Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas Day

Of all the mornings to sleep in, Lily chose Christmas! While Matt and I enjoyed the extra sleep, we were excited for her to open presents and see what Santa brought. I finally went in around 9 to wake her up. She pushed me away and told me she was still sleeping (a glimpse into the teenage years, perhaps?) until I told her we needed to see if Santa had come. That got her up! She jumped from her bed and ran down the hall to see if Santa had indeed brought the Hello Kitty umbrella she had been asking for for months. Seriously, in the months leading up to Christmas, when anyone asked what she wanted Santa to bring her, she would simply reply with a Hello Kitty umbrella. After opening presents and having cinnamon rolls for breakfast, we headed over to Grandma Chris and Grandpa George's house. As usual, we were all spoiled this year! Thanks everyone! We had a great time opening presents, munching on appetizers and cookies, and playing. Then we had a nice dinner of ham, cheesy potatoes, and brussel sprouts with mustard sauce that I made. It was a new recipe that I used, and I actually didn't have all the ingredients for the mustard sauce so I improvised. I was a little skeptical on how it would be received, but I had nothing to fear! The brussel sprouts were a huge hit, and the mustard sauce was awesome and was even really good on the ham. By the end of day, we were all exhausted! It was a wonderful Christmas!

Santa brought her umbrella! She was so excited!!

She loved the slinky from her stocking!

Daddy got her an electronic drum set, just like Marina's from Fresh Beat Band!

Rudolph! Just like from the movie!

New princess shoes!

Even with all her new toys, Lily still loved playing with the Baby Jesus from the nativity scene. We were going to sing Him happy birthday, but she kept telling us He was still sleeping! It was so cute!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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