Saturday, September 18, 2010



Outside my is cool and cloudy and I think I am hearing some rumbles of thunder. Sah-weet! I love thunderstorms!

I am sometimes you want something so badly that you can almost convince yourself it is reality.

I am thankful husband who I have hardly seen this past week. He is working today, again. He has pretty much been working every waking hour for the past week. He works so hard to provide so much for our little family. These crazy work weeks don't happen all the time, but I really appreciate the normal weeks after the crazy ones.

From the kitchen...since Matt has been working like crazy, I have a back up of meals to make in the fridge. I think I am going to make chili today, per my menu plan.

I am wearing...jammies still. It is quite possible I will be in jammies all day. Depends on if we decide to do anything.

I am creating...a plan for the day.

I am going...nowhere today, at least not as of now.

I am reading...Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah.

I am hoping...that I can convince Matt to go to church tomorrow. After the week he has had, I am hoping he doesn't hate me for making the suggestion.

I am hearing...Lily playing at her little desk.

Around the house...I should probably clean up a little. I really want to decorate for fall, but I can't get the decorations out of the attic by myself.

A few plans for the rest of the week...not much going on today. Hopefully church and the Bears game and some family time tomorrow.

From my picture journal...

My baby Labor Day weekend last year.

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