Tuesday, July 6, 2010


As I am sure my sister is just about to point out, it has been almost exactly a month since I have posted anything. So I guess you could say I am due - well, over due. Life has just been trucking along here. Not too terribly much has been going on. We have been enjoying summer. I haven't touched my camera in weeks, so I don't have any new pictures. Lest you think I am not taking any, I have been using my iPhone, which is significantly smaller and fits in my pocket. It allows me to be both a participant in activities, as well as the photographer. The only problem is I haven't quite gotten around to figuring out how to get said photos from phone to computer. I am, however, really good at posting them to facebook. That has to count for something. I am in a bullet point kinda mood, so here is a bit of what has been going on:
- This past weekend was the 4th of July. It was a bit low key due to my recuperating from minor surgery, but Chickie loved the fireworks. She calls them "Big Booms" and made the connection (all by herself!) that they are like thunderstorms. I never cease to be amazed at her little mind working. Soon, very soon, she is going to be able to outsmart us. Wait...she already can!
- I had laproscopic surgery last Thursday for some girly issues. I am feeling pretty good, and the surgery was a big success. I was more nervous about the outcome and will gladly deal with the healing process since it was so successful!
- We (okay, Matt!) finally got the pool up yesterday. Unfortunately, because of the aforementioned surgery, I can't be in the pool for a couple weeks. This is very hard on Chickie as she asks me every 20 seconds if we can go in the pool. I have to keep reminding her about the owie on my belly button. She seems to understand, but it breaks my heart not to be able to take her in it. Especially when in is 90 degrees out.
- Even though I just chopped my hair at Easter, I have decided to grow it out again. It is looking quite two tone right now and I am having a hard time deciding if I want to continue being a blond or go back to my natural color (which is technically known as blah). This keeps me up at night.
- I have been craving sushi ever since I had it over a week ago. It is like an all consuming thought. Clearly, I have issues.
- Chickie loves to sing. It is the cutest thing.
- Except her dancing, which is equally as cute.
- I love my little girl so much.

The End

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