Today, I suspect you sneakily hid yourself in the insanely delicious olive tapenade from Pizza Fusion. I couldn't help myself. I hungrily gobbled you up, and now, more than ten hours later, in the wee hours of the morning, I can't sleep for you upset my belly still!
I try to avoid you, but it is so hard. I am weak to your pungent,spicy flavor. Please be kind to me. It is difficult to partake in all the epicuriean delights of this world, knowing you may be hiding in the next mound of mashed potatoes, serving of salsa, or taste of tapenade.
I ask this, please have pity on my tastebuds and tummy. Call off the war, let there be peace!

oh poor you! I adore garlic and couldn't imagine not eating it!
It really is heart breaking! It doesn't always upset me stomach, just most of the time. If I make Indian with a decent amount of garlic, it is usually okay. Garlic bread doesn't usually upset me. Raw garlic is definitely worse than cooked, but cooked can get me. It is a more recent thing, like the past 5 years or so. I try to avoid it, but if something is extra yummy, I eat it anyway and know I will pay for it later! The other night was particularly bad, probably because the food culprit was extra yummy!
Garlic seems to sit right where I feel heartburn if I have too much of it. Moderation is the key!
This almost read like a poem...I loved all the adjectives and the way it flowed. I know...completely off subject, but just thought I'd let you know!
Does baked garlic which is much milder disturb you? Have you thought about the seasonings in the Indian dishes that don't bother you? Perhaps there is a spice which when combined with garlic doesn't disturb you. I love garlic and would hate to have to abandon it!
Hey, Kelly, I'm the writer working on the story for Kiwi magazine about raising a green baby. I saw your comment on the post at Green Baby Guide, and I'd love to ask you a few questions. Do you mind emailing me at mw at melodywarnick dot com? Thanks!
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