Sunday, March 25, 2012

To Lily, On Your 4th Birthday

Dear Lily,

Happy Birthday! Today you turn four and I can't believe it. There is nothing baby about are a little girl through and through. This past year has been amazing. I can't believe how different you are from just a year ago. It has been a year full of changes for all of us, and you took every change in stride. You stepped into your big sister role seamlessly. You were definitely made for it. You started school and love it and love to learn. Your teachers have such amazing things to say about you. I am so proud of you, every minute of every day. We butt heads a lot. You are a lot like me.
You are becoming so fearless and I love that you aren't afraid to try new things. Your teachers say you sit back and observe first but always try what others are doing. You mastered going under water at swim lessons and now jump in with gusto! It is hard for me, at times, to accept that you don't need me as much anymore, but I also love your independence. And I depend on you. You are such a help with your sister. You are so happy to help. This morning you decided you needed to start making your bed since you are four.
You are so smart and so funny. You say about 100 funny things a day and I just love your sense of humor. You have an amazing memory. If I tell you we will do something later, I had better do it!

Lily, you made me a mother. I always wanted to be a mommy but I had no idea how amazing it would be. You are the best kid and you make me a better person. I worry about you every day. Not the way I worried about you when you were little. I still worry about you getting hurt, or when you are sick, but now I worry about how I am affecting you. I try to hear what you are hearing when I tell you "no" or "later". Please please please don't ever think what you want to do isn't important. I know that you love your sister, but I also know that sometimes you are still getting used to having to share me.

I love you Lily. I am proud of you and constantly amazed by you! You are an incredible, kind, smart, funny little lady and I am so blessed to be your mom!


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