Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I am really going to try to do a better job of blogging. I want to record as much of Margie as possible, especially in the beginning, when she changes daily. I started blogging when Lily was a couple months old and think I did a pretty good job of documenting her first year at least, though I certainly haven't been good about keeping record of all the big things in her life lately.

Anyway, we had a pretty good day today. Margie slept decently last night and I got some sleep. Matt had a really early conference call so he dealt with Lily when she got up so I could nurse Margie and get a couple more minutes of sleep. I dragged myself out of bed and got Lily ready for school. It was a little later than I intended to get up, so thankfully Matt had already fed her breakfast. Matt took her to school while I fed Margie again. While I was feeding Margie the phone rang. My aunt called to say she was going to be out this way and wanted to know if she could stop by and meet Margie and see Lily. Oh yeah, and she wanted to bring lunch and dinner for us. Um, yes please! My sister Jackie, who is back from Arizona for the week, was coming to help out today, so it was a great opportunity for my aunt to see her as well. I jumped in the shower while Margie napped and Matt did some work. When Jackie got here she took over Margie duty and actually got to see her with her eyes open. I finished getting ready and then it was time for us to go pick Lily up from school. When we got home from school Lily was so excited to show us the book she got from the library. Mr. Happy, in case you are wondering. She "read" it to a sleeping Margie on the drive home because it is Margie's favorite book, according to Lily. We hung out for a bit and then the UPS man came, bringing gifts for Lily and Margie from Aunt Laurie. Lily opened her new books and then Aunt Lulu arrived, bringing lunch and more gifts for Lily and Margie. I think Lily is liking this big sister thing, especially since she has received so many big sister gifts! We ate and visited (and Margie slept!) and Jackie and Lily made Halloween cupcakes until it was time to head to ballet. Jackie drove us and it was nice to have some time to talk to my sister without Miss Lil demanding all her attention. When we got home from ballet, Jackie and Lily decorated the cupcakes while I sat down with my snuggly baby and just relaxed for a couple minutes. Unfortunately Jackie had to head home and Lily watched some cartoons while I fed Margie. Matt got home from work and we had some dinner and then gave Margie her first bath while Lily enjoyed one of her cupcakes. I know, I know, she is eight days old and we are only now giving her her first bath. I figured she would scream her head off and was dreading doing it, but she actually was pretty calm and didn't cry the whole time like I expected. I put Lily to bed while Matt finished up a little work he had and Margie hung out in her bouncy seat by him, which brings us to now. Lily is in bed, Margie is sleeping next to me in her bouncy seat, and Matt and I are catching up on our DVR.

I should also mention that today is Matt and my eighth wedding anniversary. Obviously we aren't doing anything exciting. We will do something later, when Margie is a little older and life settles down. But I can honestly say that eight years ago I married my best friend and I couldn't be happier with our little family and our life. Things aren't always perfect, but then they never will be. We get each other and each bring our strengths to our marriage. It is so wonderful having such a great partner in this crazy world!

And now some pictures!

My Little Ballerina

Decorating Cupcakes

She liked to eat the sprinkles

Look at that sweet (and sticky!) face!

First Bath! How adorable is she??!?!?!?

I know I look pretty rough here, but I have had about 20 hours of sleep total in the past 8 days!!

My sweet sleeping baby!

1 comment:

Short Stop said...

First of all, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Eight years! We celebrate our 10th this year.

And, how WEIRD that we both did this today? LOVE the photos of Lily making them. You know, I got our sprinkles from the dollar bins at Target, too - but they were in the $2.50 section. They were way cheaper than the ones in the baking aisles, though.

Happy Fall, Kelly!