Every year I vow to have a super low key New Year's Eve. Like, not leaving the house low key. Last year we did pretty much. We had my sister and sister in law over, but didn't leave the house. This year was pretty low key as well. Just a different kind of low key. We went over to our friends and hung out with a small gathering of friends. All present also had kids, so the kids weren't bored and we adults got to talk, eat, and enjoy being together.

Lily is sporting some of her new duds she received for Christmas. Ain't she cute?

The kids are watching some Sesame Street before hitting the sack. Bedtime - after 10! We are still struggling to get back on a schedule!

Me and Big Sexy!

The Guys!

The Gals! Poor Wendy has a broken foot, which she broke chasing after a toddler. I am telling you, toddlers are dangerous little people!
Hope everyone has a great 2010!
hilarious that you refer to Matt as "big Sexy".
Well he is!
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