Monday, October 26, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Ahh...Monday again. A lovely, rainy, sleepy day. A day that started at 5:30 am thanks to one little child who could care less about sleep and mommy's sanity. Alrighty we go!

I did NOT take a nap EVERY.SINGLE.DAY last week. Nope, not me. I use my time efficiently while the Chickie recharges her batteries. I scrub the potty, fold laundry and mop the floor. I certainly do not fall into my bed 3.2 seconds after putting her in her crib.

And speaking of napping, I did not totally fly off the handle at my husband yesterday when he was unable to keep my darling little one quiet so I could nap. I never lose my cool and am not at all possessive of my sleep!

Also speaking of sleeping, I do not lay in bed every night staring at the ceiling wondering why I can't sleep after napping all afternoon. Nope, not me. I know that if I sleep the afternoon away it may create a vicious cycle of not being able to fall asleep at night, resenting getting woken up by a cheerful voice calling "Mommy, play," leading to too much coffee and then crashing and sleeping all stinkin' afternoon because I couldn't sleep the night before.

I have not, in the past couple months, evidently fed my child too many cookies that now she asks for cookies 24/7, even while eating a cookie. Nope, my child eats nothing but nutritious snacks like fruit and yogurt (truth be told, she would probably choose the yogurt over a cookie!)

I did not arrange a girls coffee night and then indicate the wrong Starbucks, leading to a wasted evening for my friends because we ended up a different locations. Nope, not me. I definitely know north from south.

And finally, I did not forget the 20 other "Not Me" things I was planning to post. Because my memory is awesome!

What about you? What have you NOT done lately?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh the mix-up with coffee night is a story straight out of my life! My husband and I each get an hour lunch break and we try to spend it together. There are two Wendy's locations in our town, two branches of our bank in this town. In a sad twist of irony, each is located near the other. So he went to the downtown bank beside Wendy's and I went to the one on the highway near our bank. It wasn't funny sitting there, alone in the fast food place, a tray full of food and waiting patiently for him... while he waited with the signed check across townand no desposit slip. Needless to say, we're far more careful about clarifying these days! Great post!