Monday, March 16, 2009

New Shoes and A Trip to the Zoo

I decided that it was time to get Lily some shoes - some real, hard soled shoes. She has a bunch of pairs of soft soled shoes that have been great for covering and protecting her feet while practicing walking around the house or just keeping her feet warm when we venture out, but with spring here (fingers crossed!) and her almost walking, we needed something more substantial! I asked around a I heard everything from Target brand shoes are great to get stride right shoes. I was hoping not to spend a small fortune so I started at Target. Turns out, my kiddo has fat feet and I couldn't even wedge her foot into a size three, but a size four was just too big. And so the adventure began. After trapsing from store to store looking for size 3 wide that weren't $30, we realized that this was easier said than done. After about the fourth store, Matt finally said he didn't care, we would pay whatever as long as we didn't need to go to another store. Apparently wide feet run in my family, because my mom told me they used to joke that I could just wear the boxes because my feet were so wide. We were successful though, and found the cutest little shoes. And apparently, $30 is pretty average for kids shoes.

You may notice Lily's cheeks look a little pink. We went to the zoo today and the weather couldn't have been more perfect! I could have done without getting pooped on by a bird in the Living Coast exhibit, but whatever. The sun was shining and the temperature was awesome. The shining sun is why Lily has an, um...healthy glow? to her. I was worried if it would be too cool and didn't even think to grab some sun screen for her (or myself for that matter). I did grab her sun hat, but it is a little bit too small and she wouldn't have anything to do with it anyway. It was a great day though.

1 comment:

Aunt Laurie said...

She gets more beautiful all the time...and from what I hear through the grapevine, she is one smart chickie. I can't wait so see her....