Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Day in the Life

I haven't posted in a bit so I thought I would do a little Day in the Life post. Except today is probably not the best day because it wasn't exactly our typical Wednesday. It was actually better - I'll get to that in a minute though. My day started about 2:45 (AM, mind you!) with Margie crying. She has been up during the night a lot the past week, and since she has I am majorly short on sleep. Wandering to her room I was completely confused as to what day it was and had momentarily convinced myself it was Saturday. Quite the disappointment when I realized a few minutes later it was actually the middle of the week, let me tell you! Anyway, since I am so exhausted I have resorted to bringing Margie back into bed with me. We worked so hard to get her in her own bed a few months ago, but I need some sleep! We get back in bed and of course I have to glance at my phone because I have issues am up anyway. What, you don't check your phone randomly in the middle of the night? I'm glad I checked it though, because there was a text from Matt that I must have just missed when I fell asleep informing me we got some good news we were really eager to hear! Yay! Good news in the middle of the night is always a nice surprise. 6 AM rolled around much sooner than I would have liked but I dragged my butt out of bed and got ready for work. I was happy to see my hair had cooperated with my plans. You see, I shower at night and last night was a hair washing night (I wash my hair about 3 times a week) and I didn't blow it dry. Sometimes I like to play this little game of slapping a little coconut oil or gel on my hair and going to bed with it wet and seeing how it turns out in the morning. Today I had almost achieved those sexy beach waves so I considered it a success. (My back up plan is a top knot/ballerina bun if the waves are too frizzy or wonky or whatever). I put Margie back in her bed, felt my heart tear a little as she cried for me, made my coffee and headed to work. Somehow I am a bit behind at work, which is both stressful and awesome because time flies as I try to get caught up. Today is Administrative Professionals Day, which means we had a luncheon at work. I am not an "administrative professional" but all hourly employees are categorized as such and therefore I was invited to the luncheon. It was actually pretty lame but after it was over I had the rest of the afternoon TO.MY.SELF!!! I hit up Old Navy to return a couple things and grab a few things for the girls. Then I wandered down to Ulta and studied some Urban Decay make up that everyone raves about. Then I realized I have about zero beauty sense so there probably wasn't much point in buying a $20 eyeliner (and the $10 sharpener I would also need). I decided to head to Target, which is more my speed in terms of beauty products. I picked up a few things, most importantly K-cups, and headed over to pick Lily up from school, which was honestly the highlight of the day, even over the time to myself. I don't get to pick her up very often so it is always a treat for both of us when I do. We came home and had a snack and Margie woke up from her nap. We just hung out until it was time to go to choir. The past few weeks Margie has been sitting with the kids at choir. She doesn't talk much and certainly isn't actually singing, but she loves to be with the big kids and loves to dance to the songs.

After choir we met my inlaws for dinner at Jason's Deli. They have an amazing salad bar which perfectly fit the bill since I have been doing the paleo diet. I seriously had the best salad of my life and completely paleo! After dinner we headed home and the kids went to bed. Margie usually goes to bed first but I have Lily get her pjs on so she doesn't wake up Margie by getting them on when she goes to bed. Today she wasn't being very cooperative so I just put her to bed then as well. Not the best way to end the evening, but actually pretty typical lately. I take comfort in knowing that I don't have a lot of specific memories from age 5, so hopefully when she is older she won't remember me as a mean mom who always sent her to bed.
A quick shower, some lunch prep for tomorrow and that brings me to now!

Good night!

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